Month: November 2009

“As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”

Every Thanksgiving I always remember the old TV show, WKRP in Cincinnati, and specifically the episode “Turkeys Away”. Without a doubt, the funniest episode of one of the funniest sitcoms of all time. It doesn’t matter how many times I watch it, I still laugh out loud as Les Nessman broadcasts the event, only to be topped by Arthur Carlson’s assertion.

In any event, we had our Thanksgiving dinner at Gillian’s future in-laws, before which we did a bit of hunting in the area. Took her friend Beverly out for the first time. She had heard about geocaching, but had never gone. She is a convert, and a good seeker. Of the 6 found, she found 3.

‘Twas The Day Before Thanksgiving

Out and about grabbing a few. I’ve got to pick up the pace to get to 700 by the end of the year, so I’ll be getting a little more aggressive between now and then. Picked up another FTF – “First to Find” for those not familiar with the geocaching jargon. – my 16th. I was lucky to get this as there are a few folks in my area who are retired and usually get the ones around here very quickly. This one was hidden by a local radiologist who is very good at hiding them and driving those who seek them up a wall in frustration. Thanks radDad1 for making this a lot easier than your other hides.

Desert Walking

Another gorgeous day in the Sonoran Desert, and what better way to spend an hour or so than picking up a few geocaches. We’re  now at 666 – OMG – the Number of the Beast! All is lost! Better get out and find at least one more to avoid catastrophic events.

On The Road Again

My daughter Gillian and I along with our new dog, Fergie, took a road trip out to Wickenbug, northwest of Phoenix, up to the mountain top hamlet of Yarnell, and on to Prescott. It was an absolutely gorgeous day for driving and caching. Along the way we ate lunch at Ranch House Restaurant in Yarnell. A return trip is in order.

In Vino Veritas

Most people don’t know this, but there is a thriving wine industry in Arizona. Most of it is centered down in the southern part of the state near Sonoita, but today we went to a few vineyards in the north central area around Page Springs. Along the way, we picked up a few caches, and of course, a few bottles of wine. The weather was perfect, the leaves on the trees were yellow and orange, and a splendid time was had by all.

Arizona Vines and Wines