Day: January 13, 2010

The Day After

The hard part of putting one’s pet down is the grieving. We adopt animals whose life spans are significantly shorter than ours. We love them and in their own way, they love us back. And the when they die, we truly feel a loss. Yesterday I drove past the animal hospital twice on my way to and from Fountain Hills. I wasn’t a happy guy despite adding four more to my total. Emma played a significant part of our family’s life and it’s the little things that make her loss all the more difficult. When I would retire for the evening, I’d whistle for her, she’d come out from wherever she was, walk towards the bedroom mewing all the way, wait for me to pick her up and toss her on the bed, and when I lay down, she’d drape herself across my leg. I’d rub her belly and she’d lie there purring as contented cats do. Her absence is deeply felt. Rest in peace pussy cat – chill with Alvin who knew you well.