Month: January 2010

First FTF in 2010

This was a cache about 2 miles from the house and I grabbed it on the way to work. It was in a park between two schools, and there were kids on the playground with their teacher. I had to walk by them looking “normal”. I succeeded as no one approached me, and I was able to snag the FTF without any hassle.

“The numbers all go to eleven.”

So I started the day with the idea of getting 10 for 2010. Once I reached ten I decided to go for eleven. “You see, most blokes, you know, will be playing at ten.” Anyhow, while hunting for the 11th, I hear a voice yell out “Turn around and look up!” It was a guy stopped at a traffic light who happened to be a geocacher who found the one I was looking for! What are the odds?

UPDATE – I just received an email form the fellow who yelled out to me. He’s from Wisconsin and was in town visiting family. He had just left a McDonalds that was nearby and saw me starting my hunt.