Day: February 16, 2010

5 By 5

After yesterday’s bout with the kidney stone, I had to get out, so Fergie and I had a little outing and grabbed 5. Nothing too strenuous. A tri-color Cardigan Corgi, she’s a great little dog. A big dog in a little body. From the first time I saw her when she was only a 2 months old, I knew she’d be a fun pet. Feisty but sweet. A great snuggle. Definitely takes our mind off losing Emma, who is still very much missed.

No Pain, No Pain

I’ve been having some minor pain in the area of my right kidney. Yesterday AM I suddenly felt as though a knife was being thrust into my side, and of course the first thing that came to mind was “kidney stone”. I drove myself over to the ER, was admitted, and saw the doctor. Was given a shot of morphine (Better living through chemistry!) Got sent for a CT scan and X-Ray, and yeah, it was a stone. It’s amazing how something so small can cause so much pain. Came home, started eating Percocet’s, and despite the drugs was in pain all day and into the evening. Slept a lot. Woke up this morning, and no pain. I’m hoping that the stone passed and it’s over. Now to followup with the urologist. Caching may be light.