Day: February 24, 2010

Boodie and Molaman

When our eldest daughter Gillian was around 4, we took a vacation in South Florida with my sister Liz, brother-in-law Bill, and their daughter Genna who was around 2 and a half. One day I was taking a nap and had a pillow over my head to block noise and sunlight. Bill and the girls looked into the room and he said “Hey Mole Man! Time to get up.” Gillian thought he said “Molaman”, and thus I got a new nickname. In return, I dubbed him “Boodie” since saying “Billy” was also difficult for Jill, and the two young girls from that time forward referred to us as Boodie and Molaman.

Anyhow, Bill was in town for a 4 day mountain bike adventure, and having already gone geocaching with my sister and their son Phil, it was Bill’s turn to take a stab at it before I took him to the airport. Couldn’t find one, but found that 2nd one we attempted. It was great having him here. I wish he and my sister lived closer than NY.