Month: March 2010

Apache Trail

Sharon, Fergie and I drove along the Apache Trail today, picking up several caches and one travel bug-a serial coded trinket that is intended to be moved to other locations. This one, the Dalmatian Travel Bug was from the students of Room 202 at Coastal Ridge Elementary School in York, Maine. They want it moved to Hollywood, Alaska, Another Country, Spain, Texas, Florida, Japan, Universal Studios Orlando, or some where fun! I’ll try for the last place. Today was a gorgeous day, around 80 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. The views out here are spectacular and it’s amazingly close to our house. Fergie was a trooper. She’s not a car dog, and snuggled with Sharon most of the drive.

OK – Now I’m Pissed

There is an area in the desert about 2 miles northwest of my house that has been open to the public, including using motorized vehicles. There have been numerous caches placed in the area. Sometime in the last week or so the City of Scottsdale posted signs indicating that motorized vehicles are now prohibited, and anything prohibited carries a penalty. Another indicator of encroaching tyranny – small steps, like throwing a frog in cold water and slowly increasing the heat.

Another FTF

It’s always fun to grab a First To Find. Found one yesterday about 2.5 miles from the house. This makes 22 FTFs. Combined with the other caches I found over the last couple of days, while it was a slow caching period, it was nice just to be out a grab a few.