Evil Hides

There is a type of container called a nano. It is 9mm x 25mm, and is a devil to find. Today’s hunt required pushing though tree branches with spikes on it, climbing said tree in 95 degree heat and 95% humidity – or so it felt, and hunting for a nano. Two trips to the tree resulted in a find, and then things got weird. The container was covered in a sticky sap. The log was also sap covered. And to top things off I dropped the bottom half of the open container and I couldn’t find it at the base of the tree. Long story short – I emailed the owner, explained what happened and received a reply indicting that while replacing the container with a new one and a clean log, he dropped his, and while hunting for the new one, found the bottom half of the one I dropped. This was one challenging hunt, and I’m glad things worked out with the replacement.