Month: August 2010

“Read Ayn Rand”

As a big Ayn Rand fan, I was delighted to come across a Wired article which has since gone viral about Nick Newcomen who created the largest written message visible only though Google Earth. While I use GE for geocaching, I do like what this guy has done. Read the whole story at his site, and then view everything in GE for more info on how he did this.

The iPad & Geocaching

We bought an iPad two weeks ago – 32Gb 3G model – and I’ve been looking at the apps specifically for geocaching. Right off the bat, the one developed by the folks at isn’t designed for this device – it is an iPhone app. While it does work, the display is iPhone sized, and can be blown up to fill the screen, it does distort the image. Hopefully they will rewrite it to take advantage of the device.

I’ve installed two other apps – Geocache Viewer, and iPlunder HD. Both are iPad apps and take advantage of the screen. Of the two, iPlunder is better for field use primarily due to its use of Google Maps a la’s site. While you have to use a free service, Dropbox, to transfer the data to the app as compared to connecting from the Mac to the iPad via a browser, the mapping function does make life easier. I’ll report back after a field test which will require activating the AT&T data plan.

All Quiet On The Western Front

It’s been a wild few weeks since Kellen was born. He is an unbelievably cute baby, even if his grandfather says so! He has gained over 2 pounds and grown 2 inches. He and Gillian are doing great, although she is exhausted, as to be expected.

Caching has been slow. Sharon and I made a trip to Yarnell and Prescott last Sunday and picked up a few, but the trip was more about getting out of town and cooling off for a day. Great drive, gorgeous weather and a nice day over all. Even Fergie enjoyed it.