Month: September 2010

The Road To Bagdad

Our friends David and Liza came in for the weekend. They recently moved to California after living in Chicago suburb for 20 years. It was they who got us into geocaching and whenever we get together we always go on a hunt. This time was no exception. David and I decided to drive up to Bagdad, a company-owned mining town about 100 miles NW of Phoenix and hunt along the way. With Fergie tagging along and Sharon and Liza doing their thing, we hit the road. First stop, my currently favorite place to take visitors – The Ranch House Restaurant, in Yarnell. After lunch we continued our journey through Peeples Valley, Kirkland Junction, on into Bagdad, and then home via Wickenburg. The weather was still hot and we only found a few caches, but it was great hanging with each other, and that was more important.

One of the tools we had was my new 3G iPad on which I loaded a few geocaching applications that assisted in our hunt. With the AT&T data plan activated we had service for most of the trip which worked out very well.