Month: December 2012

New Year’s Eve – Goodbye to 2012

This was a crazy and busy year. Between Gillian pregnant with her 2nd son, Nikki getting engaged, Sharon opening another store, and my own craziness, I didn’t get a lot of geocaches. Hopefully I’ll be able to get out more in 2013, get over 1500, and, travel permitting, get some additional States, and possibly even some in Canada. I want to thank all the local geocachers, especially those in North Scottsdale for hiding numerous caches which I had the pleasure to discover.

Dave Brubeck 1920-2012

I was exposed to Brubeck’s music in my youth. My father had a great collection of contemporary jazz artists from the 40s, 50s and 60s. Of course the Dave Brubeck Quartet’s Time Out was one in the collection and of course Take Five was the most famous of the group’s songs. To this day it still sounds great. RIP Dave – you join Paul and Joe to play on for eternity. Eugene is still with us.

Here is a version of Take Five during a 1964 session in Belgium

Time Passages*

My youngest daughter is 25 and getting married in March. Today was her bridal shower held out at The Farm at South Mountain in Phoenix. It was a gorgeous day for the party. My mother flew in from Florida. All Nikki’s girlfriends were there including one, Caitlin, who we have known since she and Nikki were 2. Three women were there who have been our friends for over 30 years, two of whom came in from California. Finally an old family friend who I’ve known for over 40 years and who, with his amazing wife, live in Tucson and drove up for the day. Jerry and I had to leave the event and just spend some time together. When we returned we located a cache on the Farm’s grounds! It was great seeing everyone and with Gillian pregnant with our 2nd grandson, it is very evident that life is short and one must appreciate the little things – family and friends.

*Hat TIp to the amazing songwriter Al Stewart