Month: January 2013

Walking the Wash

Sharon, my nephew Phil who moved here at Christmas, Fergie and I took about a 2 mile walk through some desert washes and found 22 caches as we explored part of the desert we’ve never seen. Fergie discovered that cholla is not fun to encounter and pulling the barbs out of her paws and fur was a challenge. Some of the homes along the wash are amazing – serious custom designs for serious money. All in all, a good way to spend the morning.

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Beckett Aaron Smith

Our daughter Gillian gave birth to our second grandchild this morning – Beckett Aaron Smith was born at 5:09 pm MST weighing in at 6 lbs 11 oz and 21″. Mother and son are doing great.

And here is the exact location where he was born! Yes, I am a nerd.
N 33° 34.707′
W 111° 53.104′