Month: November 2013

A Dreidel in the Desert

Was out with Gillian, the boys, and my mother, and we found a new road that just opened up. Kellen walked to the cache, opened it up, and there was a dreidel – the last thing I would have guessed! Happy Hanukkah. We’ll light the candles in the menorah after sundown.

Baker’s Dozen

Spent a good portion of the day with my mother hunting for hides that got us to North Scottsdale, Carefree and Cave Creek . Our goal was ten, then grabbed two more, ate lunch, and finally settled on 13. Neither of us is triskaidekaphobic.IMG_0652


There was a cache at this location, and of course, the Boulders Resort is spectacular.

MacSynergy, LLC – Mac and iOS Consulting

When I’m not geocaching I spend what is probably too much time in front of my Mac. Have been for years. In any event, I updated my business website using WordPress, and while it’s a continual work in progress, it is better than the one I did using Apple’s iWeb. MacSynergy, LLC is the most experienced Mac and iOS Consulting firm in Scottsdale, Arizona, and if I can be of service, let me know. Have Mac. Will Travel.