Grandchildren, Baby Showers and Old Friends

My oldest daughter, Gillian, is expecting her first child within 6 weeks. This will be my first grandchild – we already know it’s a boy – and I am anxiously awaiting his arrival. Jill has told me that she’s going to refer to me a “Pappy Cache”!

Anyhow, my mother and sister came to town to attend the baby shower that was held Sunday. On Saturday we went out to show my sister around an area where she is considering relocating to, and grabbed a couple of caches in our journey.

Sunday, my old friend David, the person who introduced me to geocaching, and I went out to grab a few. He hasn’t been out in a while and we went after ones near my house that I haven’t taken the time to look for. It was nice being with him and getting him back in the hunt.