Author: geomitch

Chinese Food

I’ve been known to drive 100 miles for good Chinese food. We went with a couple of friends to a place we’d both been to separately and finally got there together – Wahsun at 19th Ave and Northern. In addition to good food, there was a cache hidden in the shopping center’s parking lot. Chinese food and Geocaching – a great combination. In addition to that one, found another 6 earlier in the day.

5 By 5

After yesterday’s bout with the kidney stone, I had to get out, so Fergie and I had a little outing and grabbed 5. Nothing too strenuous. A tri-color Cardigan Corgi, she’s a great little dog. A big dog in a little body. From the first time I saw her when she was only a 2 months old, I knew she’d be a fun pet. Feisty but sweet. A great snuggle. Definitely takes our mind off losing Emma, who is still very much missed.

No Pain, No Pain

I’ve been having some minor pain in the area of my right kidney. Yesterday AM I suddenly felt as though a knife was being thrust into my side, and of course the first thing that came to mind was “kidney stone”. I drove myself over to the ER, was admitted, and saw the doctor. Was given a shot of morphine (Better living through chemistry!) Got sent for a CT scan and X-Ray, and yeah, it was a stone. It’s amazing how something so small can cause so much pain. Came home, started eating Percocet’s, and despite the drugs was in pain all day and into the evening. Slept a lot. Woke up this morning, and no pain. I’m hoping that the stone passed and it’s over. Now to followup with the urologist. Caching may be light.

Clever Is As Clever Hides

One of the more enjoyable aspects of geocaching is the ingenuity with which folks hide caches. The one I found today was just one of those. Easy to get to the location, but extra tools were needed to get the container. Had I bothered to pay attention to the notes it would have been easier than it was for me. Kudos to thebluebunny on this hide.

Three for Three

On an otherwise unseasonably cool day for the area I just had time to grab a few. We’re expecting 3 days of rain beginning tonight. We do need the water in the Sonoran Desert so I’m not complaining.

An Even Dozen

Out on a cool grey day with my friend Clint – “MacHammer” – hunting for caches in his neighborhood, Chandler, AZ. It’s definitely more fun going with another geocacher, and Clint and I have been out a few times now grabbing what we can. Thanks Clint for your friendship and being a caching buddy.

“When I’m 64”

A marathon day going solo. There is a road on the west side of town – Sun Valley Parkway – along which there are over 100 caches. I topped out at 64 and that exceed my best day by 3 times! Now to go back and get the ones I missed.

The Day After

The hard part of putting one’s pet down is the grieving. We adopt animals whose life spans are significantly shorter than ours. We love them and in their own way, they love us back. And the when they die, we truly feel a loss. Yesterday I drove past the animal hospital twice on my way to and from Fountain Hills. I wasn’t a happy guy despite adding four more to my total. Emma played a significant part of our family’s life and it’s the little things that make her loss all the more difficult. When I would retire for the evening, I’d whistle for her, she’d come out from wherever she was, walk towards the bedroom mewing all the way, wait for me to pick her up and toss her on the bed, and when I lay down, she’d drape herself across my leg. I’d rub her belly and she’d lie there purring as contented cats do. Her absence is deeply felt. Rest in peace pussy cat – chill with Alvin who knew you well.